A Local Area Coordinator (LAC) is someone who works with people who have disabilities and their families, to connect them with the services and support they need to live as independently as possible. They act as a mid way point between the Individual and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIA).

What do they do?

LAC’s help people with disabilities to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). They work closely with participants, their families and carers, as well as local organisations and service providers, to develop individual plans that meet the needs of each person. They can help connect you with the right services and supports, and provide advice and assistance along the way.

LAC’s can assist you by:

Common LAC misunderstandings

Unfortunately, there are some common misunderstandings about LAC’s and the role they play. One misunderstanding is that LAC’s are part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. LAC’s are not part of the NDIA but rather they operate as a partner in the community program. With the increased number of applications and planned meetings, the NDIA can’t handle every planning meeting themselves. To make the process easier, LAC shares some of the load, that way people aren’t rushed through the system. Many people will actually have their first planning meeting with an LAC, not a NDIA planner. Although LAC can’t approve NDIS plans, they can make recommendations in line with NDIS legislation.

Another misunderstanding is that LAC’s only works with individuals who have intellectual disabilities. In reality, LAC’s can work with individuals who have any type of disability, as well as their families. LAC’s are a valuable resource for both individuals with disabilities and their families, and it is important to understand the role they play in order to make the most of their services.

Let us help you

If you or someone you know has a disability and is interested in accessing the NDIS, wanting to speak to your Local Area Coordinator or confused with the NDIS process Cali Care are here to help. Contact us on [email protected] or 1300 228 311


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